Cerebral Palsy is a group of neurological conditions which permanently affect movement, muscle tone, and/or posture. Apart from affecting movement, cerebral palsy can also restrict a child’s speech, hearing and/or vision. Globally, approximately 2 to 2.5 cases per 1000 live births see an incidence of Cerebral Palsy. In India, the numbers rise to 3 cases per 1000 live births.
Common Causes
Asphyxia Neonatorum (lack of oxygen to the brain during labour and delivery), severe jaundice in the infant, genetic reasons, or infections before or during birth. It can also be caused due to head injuries during infancy.
Measures to Prevent:
Ensuring children are vaccinated for all common infant infections
Ensuring that the child is never at the risk of a head injury
Ensuring that the baby is safe from any other physical harm
Note: In many cases, it’s not a preventable disability.

Explaining physical disabilities to children
Giving children accurate information is necessary to clear misconceptions and help them treat others with kindness and respect. This is a simplified summary that can be used with children.
Some children are born with a condition that affects their ability to move, walk, sit, or run. This condition is called cerebral palsy. And sometimes an illness or an accident can cause a person to lose the ability to use their legs. They may use a wheelchair to move around. Children who use a wheelchair or have cerebral palsy can think, learn, communicate, and study just like you. They only need help in moving from place to place.